Wednesday, July 20, 2005

ebay feedback can hurt

So, I feel like I'm answering a personals ad, because I want to explain that I've never done this before. I honestly never thought I'd have a blog. But I never thought I'd get around to running a marathon, and I'm doing that in a couple weeks, so maybe it's just time.

I got some *really* negative feedback on eBay which was unjustified, and for whatever reason, this woman made it very personal. Since I'm a strong believer in the power of negative energy, I didn't want to share it, or elaborate too much on it, because what's the point, really? You just end up passing it along, making the original vitrol much more powerful. Swallow it, let it pass. So I thought I'd mention it here to try to diffuse it.

I feel better now, thank you.


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