Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm not emotionally available to take your call right now.

Some quotes from the year past:

"Hi honey, we're watching Survivor right now. Can we call you back? It's down to the last two people. We'll call you right back. You're not calling to say you're married, or anything, are you?"

"No Daddy."

"Oh, alright then, we'll give you a call right back."

- Sunday, May 15


At Planned Parenthood, the couple next to me in the first waiting room (behind 2 locked doors) sat down together with fresh coffee, and after a moment, he squeezed her hand. Then he whispered to her, "I don't like these shoes because they make my feet look big."


a text message to my then lover:
"bright lipsticked w sore throat. yesterday i saw a dogfight. all this & missing you"


"I don't like them because they're nonpartisan," said this woman whom I worked with at the San Francisco Democratic Party, talking about some website whose name I forget.


"A world without Aunt Nita is a very sad world," said Sandy, my mother, lying on my couch, looking at my great aunt's portrait on the wall. "It's still hard to imagine a world without her." (She'd been gone for over a year)


"I think this is the best vacation I've ever had," my mom said, sitting opposite me at the small table at Alamo Square Grill, which was great to hear, of course, affirming my efforts (or effortlessness), my chosen city, my way of life & apartment. And simply, me. Great too, because I was thinking it was such a smooth enjoyable experience myself. Not one argument or disagreement - just a solid line of play, relax, ice tea, coffee, making things, and talk.


Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

such truth you expose, such sadness it the lack of time, caring family and friends who believe they have all the time in the world to say i love you and don't say it because at presnt they don't have time.
thank you for reminding me that all i have in now, and am i doing what i want to do now...

11:35 PM  
Blogger number four said...

and thank you for listening.

6:10 PM  

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