It's getting better all the time

In October, on my first day at my new job, I decided I'd be there for 6 months, and then I'd quit. Life's too short to live half your waking life in a job you hate - you know? If there's anything I've learned from my last year of heartache, it's that love exists and I need to go find it again.
There are so many incredible people doing their thing out there, and I'm working overtime for a gift catalog co., hiring kid models for nearly $200/hr, and standing behind the camera at the photo shoot trying to get said kid model to stop screaming and smile to sell our product. At the gig, I'm the odd ball (in SF, can you believe it?) with all of these expensive people around me talking about products, money, multi-million dollar homes, & reality t.v. In short, they're mainstream, and I'm not. I'd rather spend my time seeking out the incredible people.
So after the first day, I counted up all the work days I'd have til then, and started a countdown. Every day, I come home & mark off the day. Some of my friends (like Ladd) think it's unhealthy, but I think it's quite the opposite. It keeps me focused and aware of what I really want; what life's really about.
In February, I thought I'd extend my stay an additional 6 months so I could take a long trip to Asia. I want to get back to shooting, and I have some projects on my mind. (At the moment, Tibet, Nepal & Thailand are on the list). Yesterday was day 99.
Wow. Maybe I need to do that. I've got six more months at this job before I can apply for permanent residency, and I don't know if I can last that long, much less wait for the application to be processed and continue to work at the same place afterward. Baby steps.
Asia is lovely. I love it there :)
I like how this shows time realistic and honest..and change is possible. The countdown.
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